Challenge Winning cards

Sunday, July 14, 2024

CASE-ing Inspiration

I haven't made a card for a while - I'm really struggling with inspiration. So I turned to Pinterest to find something I could 'CASE' - copy and share elements.

I found this card that someone had saved but no link to the original maker so I don't know who made this lovely creation originally. 

It looks so simple but looks are deceiving! At least this gave me the opportunity to use up loads of bits of patterned paper that we all collect!

Here's how I did:

I'm not sure about it - but at least I've made a card!

I'm playing along with the challenges at:

Pixie's Snippets Playground #484 - TOP 3 PICKS

Love Those Pretty Papers - anything goes

Creative Fingers #282 - anything goes

Thanks for visiting




  1. Well I LOVE it! It looks great. The colourful squares with the white lettering is perfect.

    Thanks for entering a piece of homework to the Snippets Playground. See you up in the treehouse later - I'm sharing my choccy biccies! xxx

  2. That Sharon, is exactly what I look for in a snippets challenge entry! It's super! Love the squares idea, bet that could be adapted for a fella really easily.

    Di xx

  3. I really like this idea. Is it ok to link to your blog if I CASE the idea?
